Amazing free and open icons. Literally best open licensed icons out there with nice format and extremely friendly interface to search for icons and collections of icons
Awesome product. It splits the icons into monocolor, multicolor and other categories. It is easy to find SVG files that I can use as icons while building any web or mobile app.
Overall, it is a great app. Of course, higher quality icons cost money, so it is understandable. Maybe not for full production, but for design and beta, best find online for icons!
As a game developer, I always go to their website to find for icons to use in my games. Always grateful for having a free source of icons to use from. The game skills collection is my favorite for obvious reasons.
From user perspective is it simple and no hidden agenda. Though it is intended to be free. however there should be some donation method to the creators. Then only a sustainable economy should be supported. it is same for the svg repo host too