I started using it since yesterday, and my desire to see the numbers increase pushes me to be more active on 𝕏 and the like, I hope it continues like this even in the long run, I have set a goal of 100 tweets per week, we'll see!
Ugly Duckling is so good and made even better by the chrome extensions! Easy tracking of all my relevant statistics and the leaderboard adds motivation!
Bought this for 2x Twitter profiles during the 30% flash sale, amazing value. The sheer fact that it’s a lifetime license makes this a steal - the analytics are quite insightful, the graphics are gorgeous, and the webapp is simple to use - what more can you possibly want in this day and age?
Go get your UglyDuckling on, you won’t regret it!
I’d recommend this in a heartbeat. THIS IS AN AWESOME EXTENSION! I was dreading to go to the twitter analytics page. Seriously, has this been abandoned by the Twitter team? It looks like they launched the first version in 2007 and forgot this product existed. No matter - with Ugly Duckling I don’t need to look at that ever again. Beautiful Stats. Stats that even Twitter doesn’t show correctly. Beautiful Charts. 1-Click export. I love it!
This is a genius idea. I used to pay $29.99/m for Blackmagic, but this takes your "native" Twitter Analytics and turns them into something that is usable for free or a one-time $9 for some pro features. It's a no-brainer. Very useful product, good luck with the launch!
Twitter default analytics sucks! I needed something that could clearly show the growth of my account whenever I wanted to, while not sacrificing design. Ugly Duckling's simple analytics tool made it happen! As an early supporter and user, I highly recommend the app for anyone looking to keep on top of their analytics game on Twitter!