Bisa ngobrol dengan tokoh-tokoh terkenal yang dihadirkan dalam bentuk chatbot Ai. Walaupun cuma bot, tapi akurasinya bagus.
You can chat with famous figures presented in the form of an Ai chatbot. Even though it's just a bot, its accuracy is good.
Bukan sekedar aplikasi biasa, tapi aplikasi ini sangat pintar. Banyak hal yang bisa aku pelajari dari berbagai macam bot ai di sini
Not just an ordinary application, but this application is very smart. There are many things I can learn from the various AI bots here
Aku paling suka bot debat. Ini bener-bener ngajak kita untuk berpikir keras dan seru buat teman mengobrol
I like debate bots the most. This really invites us to think hard and is fun for friends to chat with
Cara Ai merespon sangat bagus. Banyak juga kategori AI yang disediakan di sini membuat saya sangat senang menggunakannya
The way Ai responded was very good. There are also many AI categories provided here that make me really enjoy using them
Vivi has been a game-changer for my entertainment needs. This AI-powered software is incredibly interactive, answering questions and engaging in meaningful conversations. It's also a great assistant for creative projects, providing useful suggestions and ideas. Vivi adds a whole new dimension to digital interaction and creativity.
Fitur-fitur AI di sini cukup baik, walaupun ada beberapa yang kurang akurat, tapi ini sangat bagus dan semoga terus berkembang
The AI features here are quite good, although there are some that are less accurate, but it is very good and hopefully it will continue to improve