I think Warrior Network is an amazing idea because as a person who loves technology, I have found that LinkedIn is the only network where I can interact with people in this area, but at the same time LinkedIn is not just about technology so most of the time I get a lot of content that is not really relevant to me since Warrior Network is focused on technology people, I will find all the relevant content, at least all of them will be about technology.
Another aspect that I have read about Warrior Network that I really want to try is the career path recommendation, i.e. there are many products that offer courses, but I understand that Warrior Network will choose from those products the courses that will be really relevant to achieve my goal, so I am not going to spend money and time doing irrelevant courses.
Also, the possibility to give and receive mentoring is amazing, I mean, I couldn't find an easy way to offer or ask for mentoring in other platforms, so I guess this option in Warrior Network will be really user-friendly.
Finally, what other social networks focused on technology provide us with a gamification strategy?. I mean, if will receive relevant content, beautiful options to grow my career, and to give mentoring... it would be better If, in addition, I could receive a prize for it hahaha.
Don't you want user testers? I would be glad to be one of them.
Warrior Network