This app's concept is decent, but lacks quality and key features, offers little value to the average investors or trader, and is behind a over priced paywall.
Not long ago the Maker of this product had his Discord account hacked, presumably giving away his 2FA code or Discord token- one of the staff members accounts was hacked, which was used to communicate with the CEO/owner to gain sensitive data to then hack or social engineer his account. A complete lack of common sense and security of sensitive data caused their Discord to be hacked- by a fake pump and dump crypto scheme. Where genuine users were tricked into thinking they turned into a legit (if there ever was any) pump-n-dump community, where they deposited money onto a fake exchange and lost HEAPS. This was done through him giving out his 2FA code to one of his team members which had their account compromised. They then go onto blaming this on Discord "internal issues" and denying this ever happened, including in responses to some of these reviews. Here's the emails the CEO/Maker personally sent out admitting precisely what happened.

In case these images can be doubted, here's a screenshot of the original email- and will be more than happy to forward or provide to anyone questioning them.
The Maker's response to a review here blaming the hack on "discord internal issues" can be found in the reviews below. Or here's a screenshot in case he ends up deleting it.

They have since deleted any mentions of the hack from their Twitter, but we all know nothing is ever really deleted from the internet. See::

In regards to other reviews mentioning how they have "bought" reviews, I would tend to agree. They do have controversial methods of marketing, paying people to join other similar communities and spamming those members with DMs advertising this product. Here's a screenshot of an email he sent, hosting a giveaway where you got an entry for upvoting for their launch- which ended up getting more than half their upvotes removed.

I would also caution anyone to do business with this platform or become any type of contributor. There has been some type of investigation regarding tax evasion/fraud, I won't go into this as it is slightly more personal but it's directly related to the platform and generated revenue. Won't take part in speculating either, but you can come to your own conclusions here;
EDIT, reply to Kevin's response:
It's great you've figured out basic security protocols on how to keep a high functioning and large user Discord server secure- especially one in the finance industry where money is always involved, users reported losing lots of money from that hack while your server was compromised where they deposited funds onto a fake exchange and couldn't withdraw. Have you done anything to help make them whole? Whether it be working on reimbursing them, providing free membership (if any stuck around), reporting it to legal authorities and cooperating to find the attacker and work on restitution, or just anything? The hack happened on your own personal account, which you haven't addressed- you claimed the compromise was due to an internal Discord issue which is a complete 100% lie. It gladens me you've learned more about security since then, even though we might be competitors terrible instances like this send ripples throughout the industry as the effected users are now more hesitant using products/services in our industry space, crypto alone is already filled with too much rugpulls, ponzi schemes, and general scams. We need to hold each other accountable and raise awareness to new grifts so we can better protect and defend the consumers. I strongly believe one comes out better and more wise from mistakes and failures, it's creates toughness and resiliency. But I'm also a firm believer in taking stock and accountability in ones self, so when you denied & completely lied about who/what was at fault for the hack it struck a nerve and highlighted a character flaw I seen in you- which we as leaders should know better and be above that.
Regarding your tax case, good for you. It's good to hear it's been settled and resolved, regardless my feelings about the government and politics, it's instances like it that can tarnish a brand and damage reputation. Recently you've campaigned for funding or started a pre-seed round, I'm sure investors wouldn't be so inclined after having knowledge of shady business practices. Again, taking accountability and learning from mishaps builds strong character, forgiveness is a wonderful thing so long there is genuine remorse.
You didn't address my claim of you and yours directly or indirectly buying reviews and upvotes. I personally see giveaways to raise awareness for product launches, new releases, etc. as a benefit. It gives users incentive to try something new. I'll even go as far as saying giveaways for reviews are beneficial as well, so long they are genuine. But telling users to leave 5 star and good reviews to be eligible for giveaways is just plain misrepresentation and generates fake and "bought" reviews. A company or competitor with thousands to spend on something like this has an edge over smaller competitors, and not an innovative or superiority edge, a scandalous and shady edge. On this Product Hunt platform it's against the product launch rules to even ask for upvotes, however it's encouraged that makers bring awareness to their launch by sending emails, making announcements, or whatever way necessary. Giveaways are a good idea to bring awareness, but when you make it a requirement that participants need to upvote the product to qualify goes against the rules- if all products did this then mostly those with the biggest giveaways would likely rank higher.
Here is some proof of you personally telling users not to leave genuine reviews, but to leave "5 star reviews" to be eligible for the giveaways. You do this for trustpilot, android, apple, and product hunt.

Message link:

Message link:

Message link:
Even trustpilot has a notice on their page saying there are fake reviews and many of them have been removed. How many times does this need to happen or become a popular pattern that potential users realize there is nothing genuine going on here. Almost as if you're using these fake reviews to get the bad ones calling you "scammers" to be hidden or not noticed?

Link to see notice for proof:
This is essentially buying reviews. It's frowned upon, I'm not sure about trustpilot, apple, and google play, but for Product Hunt it is against the rules. In case you want to delete or edit those messages, or allege my screenshots are fake, I'll have to upload and link a video that shows the browser being refreshed and finding those messages.
The funny thing is, one of your team members (Chris) left a review on our Trust Pilot accusing us of what you explicitly do it's titled "They are doing giveaways for reviews/fake clout." but are you not the one doing what my brand has been accused of? We've never asked for 5 star reviews, we've asked for honest and genuine reviews- we want to know what is wrong or what can be improved on our platform, this is how we become better. Seems like Chris is projecting, but I'm not a psych. (Link to his dishonest and false accusation review for proof:
Again Kevin, accountability and character traits- this is what I believe in and stand for. I'm not here to attack you brother, I'm just shedding a dim light on you and yours actions and practices.
2 hours and 45 minutes before you replied to this review, a review was left on our product. We haven't had a new review in days, but I suppose someone can chop it up to pure coincidence. Using fake accounts to leave fake reviews on a competitors product is just low. The wording sounds like you, what you've been saying about us since we started. Maybe it is you, maybe it isn't. (Reference: )
Before I sign off, I want to bring awareness to one final thing. Using your users in your Discord server to mass report my god honest and genuine review is low again, just shows your true colors. You should be embracing competition, as I do, it's what drives innovation, improvements, and vision- at least it does for me. So using your following to try and get this taken down is shameful. The link in this image doesn't link directly to my revview, but seeing it is at the top of the reviews one can only assume it's this one.

Kevin, I wish you and yours all the best. I truly do. I imagine one day we may meet in person and I hold no hostility towards you and yours. Your attacks, your drive to silence me, your botted or fake reviews against me and mine just only fuels the fire in me to keep progressing and innovating- for this I truly appreciate you.