Hossam Elkhateeb

Hossam Elkhateeb

Growth Marketer at Instabug
57 points
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Hossam Elkhateeb

Instabug Integrations Hub helps you receive detailed bug reports and in-app messages directly in the tool you use. Whether it’s Jira, GitHub, Slack and more, we built dozens of integrations to help your team focus on what matters without disrupting their workflow.

Instabug Integrations Hub
Instabug Integrations Hub
New and improved integrations to build better apps!
Hossam Elkhateeb

Betatesters.io is a platform where developers and beta testers come together to build better apps. Mobile developers will be able to submit their beta apps to gather feedback to iterate quicker, ship better apps faster, and cultivate a dedicated user base early on.

The platform connecting mobile developers and beta testers