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Michelle Nickolaisen
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There's a time and a place for exceptionally long-form posts that cover every single angle of a topic, but I find that often beginners tend to get overwhelmed with those. They ask me about setting rates and I can send them six thousand words on why employee rates aren't the same as freelance rates and how to set rates without shooting yourself in the foot and the side effects of not setting...
Domino Spot
Short step-by-step guides to help freelancers get stuff done

Domino Spot
Short step-by-step guides to help freelancers get stuff done

Michelle Nickolaisen
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I love this idea! It seems like it would also be especially good for kids who fidget or even have ADHD - I've read that giving them something to do with their body (even if it's just standing) can make it much easier to focus during class.

Standing desks designed for kids

Michelle Nickolaisen
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I'm not sure if I'd actually use it or not, but there was a point in my life when I *definitely* would have. I could see it working well for women who travel a lot (being able to browse through outfits that have worked before & pick ones that would work well for where you're going) or to prevent the dreaded "I bought it, put it in my closet, and promptly forgot that I own it" syndrome.

Manage your wardrobe via iPhone/iPad

Manage your wardrobe via iPhone/iPad

Michelle Nickolaisen
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Haven't read this yet, but The Accidental Creative is one of my absolute favorite creativity/productivity books of all time (his podcast is great, too), so I feel like it's probably going to be great. I love his focus on practical action steps in all of his work - I'm all about actionable takeaways combined with theory & I think he does that really well.

Louder Than Words
Harness the power of your authentic voice

Louder Than Words
Harness the power of your authentic voice

Michelle Nickolaisen
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I created the Freelancer Planner based on a few things. Freelancing is on the rise (34% of the US workforce is now freelancing to some extent) and it's only going to keep rising, but I noticed that so many of my fellow freelancers are disorganized and struggle with making their business a priority.
Issues like that are what helped contribute to me getting super burned out towards the end of...

The Freelancer Planner (Kickstarter)
Get your business back in order. Earn more, stress less.

The Freelancer Planner (Kickstarter)
Get your business back in order. Earn more, stress less.

Michelle Nickolaisen
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A few months ago I was helping my friend set up an online scheduler for her business (acupuncture) and I was surprised at how difficult it was to find something easy to use, not exorbitantly priced, and flexible. In particular, my friend wanted to keep cc info on file, but only charge clients in the event of cancellation. Reminder functionality (reminding clients of bookings) was a must, too....

Online scheduling/client booking, made easy

Online scheduling/client booking, made easy

Michelle Nickolaisen
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I've been using Hemingway for the last couple of months and have used it to make the process of editing my first novel (a huuuge task) a little more manageable. FWIW, I don't recall running into any major bugs during that 65-70k word process. The only thing was that I wished its export options made it a little easier to go back and forth between Ulysses (my writing app of choice) &...

Hemingway Editor 2.0
An editor that makes your writing bold and clear