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Crazy idea. Love it!

Your code is art - git contributions on your wall

Can't decide what to work on next?
Here's the curated dataset of 250K+ Saas, Apps & Tech Products to get you inspired.Added with 27 metrics to find your perfect niche.
Can't find Ideas for your next hustle? Have an Eurekea!

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Hey PH,
Excited to launch my second product !Eurekea on PH🎉
✅ What is Eurekea?
Eurekea = IKEA for your Eureka Moments.
We are offering a dataset of 250K+ SaaS, apps & tech-projects launched over the last decade to you get inspired for your next hustle💡
✅ Why Did I Build It?
Finding ideas for what to build next is hard.Especially,in these times when COVID-19 is preventing us to go out in...
Can't find Ideas for your next hustle? Have an Eurekea!

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Hey Akash, I am building a Saas to solve the very problem.
Due to the current quarantine situation, we are not able to explore & get new ideas.Also, if the process of finding ideas left for epiphanies or scratching personal itches; it'll make the hustling a bit stagnant.So, I decided to build Eurekea for solving this.
We at Eurekea are providing a dataset of 250K+ Saas, apps &...
MIcro SaaS - How do you decide and start working on an idea?
Akash Wadhwani
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Hello ProductHunt!
I've created Supp primarily for the current remote/WFH heavy workspace, where working peacefully has, startlingly, become quite challenging.
There are too many sync-ups, just to know what everyone is doing in the team.Along with frequent Slack/Hangouts messages like "Are you available for a call?", "What are you doing?". Not to mention some people who don't even bother to...
Manages distractions while WFH