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Alfonso C. Betancort
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“A common skepticism is that someone can just take a screenshot of the image or get a digital file so it’s not really scarce. However, the same argument could apply to physical items as well. Anyone can take a photo of the Mona Lisa or create a replica of it, but it isn’t the real item from the artist. People are willing to pay a premium for the original work. Another interesting aspect of...
A beginner's guide to NFTs by Linda Xie
Linda Xie

Alfonso C. Betancort
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No auto, everything is by hand... another MVP, shitty.
First of its kind no code identity verification engine

Alfonso C. Betancort
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$99/year for email, count me out. And you should count yourselves out and give it to charity to make a better world and not another “…” rich.

Email at its best, new from Basecamp

Alfonso C. Betancort
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Somebody told them that they were just a feature, but they didn’t want to listen. I think they will belly up soon, they still live because of inertia ...who the hell upvoted this. I’m sure they up-voters ain’t paying for a pro account.
Dropbox Transfer
Send large files to anyone

Alfonso C. Betancort
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No code = bloated software... we have unlimited resources (you think), that’s why even having such computer power everything seems slow and eats memory like it’s now tomorrow. Learn to program in C and program wisely and efficiently in it and today’s processing power will take you where no man has set his foot. Coders today are simply yesterday lazy programmers.

Build apps for iOS, Android, and the web without coding 💥

Alfonso C. Betancort
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Still in business... had to be from outside of The Valley.

Artificial skylight that you won't believe isn't real

Alfonso C. Betancort
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Amazon delivered more than promised, otherwise they simply changed the name to Ring and paid for it more than USD 1 billion to acquire 98% of the stock of the product maker.

Amazon Key
An in-home security camera and smart lock

Alfonso C. Betancort
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Extend Spotlight and you’ll have a winner (so I can control it with Siri from my iMac, MacBook Pro, IPhone and iPad Pro).
I already know more keyboard shortcuts and interfaces than I care... It’s not about to learn alfred, yours or anyone’s else’s short cut interface.
Lazy IoT
Control your environment with one easy keyboard shortcut

Alfonso C. Betancort
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I don’t actually use it that much, I find Vimeo much better.
POLL: Do you pay for ad-free YouTube?
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Alfonso C. Betancort
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To another 40%, you don’t know what your are missing. Buddies, I feel sorry for all of you
POLL: Are you a fan of AirPods? Tell us why in your replies.
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Alfonso C. Betancort
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Apple hit another home run again with this product, like the did with the iPhone, they weren’t the first but they got right what others weren’t seeing.
It is only in its second generation, third generation just hit the news but not the the shelves yet. The iPhone that made Apple the smartphone maker that everyone else had to measure its product, was the unapologetically designed 4S, still the...
POLL: Are you a fan of AirPods? Tell us why in your replies.
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Alfonso C. Betancort
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With The X-Pro2 they went to the classic rangefinder, but it’s a little bit old already by photography standards, this X-Pro3 is a welcome refresh of the X-Pro line to bring it to today’s technology while making an conscious effort to move even further to an apparent functional sobriety in order to capture the feel and way of taking pictures of a film rangefinder.
We will have to wait a...
Fuji X-Pro 3
A digital camera that embraces analogue features

Alfonso C. Betancort
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Doesn’t iOS 13 and macOS Catalina OS do this natively?
Full Page Screen Capture
Generates a full-length web page screenshot for free

Alfonso C. Betancort
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Open Source if the keep the same code base with the hosted version, what else can you ask for?

Open source workflow automation tool

Alfonso C. Betancort
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Anyone using the App actually to write about something worth of reading instead filling the World with inane “content“.
FREE AI web content SEO editor - just for writers

Alfonso C. Betancort
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I don’t get it, most if not all corporate cards offer the same services for debit, prepaid and credit cards.

Stripe Corporate Card
The corporate card for fast-growing businesses. 💳

Alfonso C. Betancort
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What’s T3 current net worth? Will you deposit the products (shares, etc…) bought by your prospective customers only on T3?
Buy any stock with any amount of money. Commission-free.