Achalesh Lakhotiya

Achalesh Lakhotiya

Problem Solving :)
43 points
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Achalesh Lakhotiya
Achalesh Lakhotiya
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Good Job, @leena_jose and team! 🤩
A SaaS AI chatbot, live chat customized for your website
Achalesh Lakhotiya
Achalesh Lakhotiya
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Good work team Zintlr 💯
zScout by Zintlr
zScout by Zintlr
Prospect your next customer
Achalesh Lakhotiya
Achalesh Lakhotiya
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Great work, Team Moda! 🙈🎉
An e-commerce growth marketing platform
Achalesh Lakhotiya
Don't know tech? Lazy enough to make portfolio? Less time for your interview? We've your back. To-Do-Portfolio is a no-code, 100% customizable & analytics-integrated portfolio for your next interview with attached step-by-step user guide.
A no-code, customizable portfolio for your next interview.
Achalesh Lakhotiya
Achalesh Lakhotiya
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Congratulations @honzaap on the launch!
GitHub City
GitHub City
Create a 3D city from your GitHub contributions
Achalesh Lakhotiya
Achalesh Lakhotiya
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Congrats on the launch @andrianv
Freehand design tool, no-code website builder