WednesdayCoin is a coin that can only be sent on Wednesdays! Technicaly it is an ERC20 token that I created as a fun way to learn about Ethereum and smart contract development. We have gotten a great response and Airdrop every Wednesday. You can visit our subreddit for the airdrop or you sign up with an ERC20 compatible address on the waitlist.

Post pics, vids, and messages to your friends that disappear after 24 hrs! Simply add your friends or connect with your phone number and send your friends Quickies. Post to friends individually or post to all your friends so they can see!

Whereabouts is a location based chat app that lets you talk to people nearby you 1-on-1 or as a group. Whereabouts also lets you post messages that are only seen by people in the area! Great for keeping up wth what is going on in your community.