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Add free stock photos in your documents with just a few clicks. More than 3.2 Million photos directly inside Adobe XD, Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign.

Beautiful free stock photos inside Adobe XD, PS, IL and ID

Paolo Agostinetto
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Hey PH 👋
We've noticed that people working on design projects were spending a lot of time looking for stock photos, making the same search on a few websites and we thought we could make the process smoother.
With StockSolo designers can search and download stock photos from Unsplash, Pexels, and Pixabay directly inside Adobe XD, PS, AI, ID without leaving the application.
Let us know what...

Beautiful free stock photos inside Adobe XD, PS, IL and ID

Paolo Agostinetto
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A must have. It drastically reduced my Twitter fomo. I can finally relax knowing that I will not loose the latest tweets from people that I follow

Automated email digests from Twitter, Reddit, YouTube & more

Paolo Agostinetto
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Hey everyone! Since I regularly browse image subreddits for inspiration, I felt there should be a faster and better way to scroll through the image posts. The idea of Redditix is having a way to browse these subreddits in fullscreen and using keyboard shortcuts.

A Gallery Visualizer for Reddit

Redditix is the fastest way to browse image subreddits.

A Gallery Visualizer for Reddit

Boost your InDesign productivity with new, powerful tools