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Ahmad Mayahi
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Feedback is appreciated, please let me know what you think about the tool

Supercharge Your Hinge Profile - 10X your matches

Hey guys, I made HingeProfilePro because I want you to get more matches. I want you to find meaningful connections. I want you to have a great online dating experience. And I know that with the right tools and strategies, you can achieve all of that.

Supercharge Your Hinge Profile - 10X your matches

Create professional photos with your own AI Photographer! Instantly generate high-quality photos for your social media, all powered by AI. Skip the costly photographer—capture stunning shots and save time and money on every shoot.
Your own AI photographer

Ahmad Mayahi
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Hey guys! I created to make professional photography more affordable. Here in Denmark, a single photo shoot with a professional photographer can easily cost over $100. With, I aim to provide high-quality photography at a fraction of the price, making it accessible to everyone.
Your own AI photographer

I got tired of using ChatGPT because it often provides outdated information on Laravel docs. So, I decided to create my own solution for the latest version of the Laravel documentation.

ChatGPT-like for Laravel documentation

Ahmad Mayahi
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Hey guys! I made tons of improvements in the new version of Photo Enhance AI, enjoy.

Photo Enhance AI
Make your photos great again with AI

Photo Enhance AI: Transform Your Images with AI Brilliance - Elevate your photos to new heights with our AI-powered enhancement, making your images truly stunning.

Photo Enhance AI
Make your photos great again with AI

Ahmad Mayahi
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Hey guys! I built this product for a friend of mine whose website was under attack. The attackers used to upload malicious files, but I managed to reduce more than 90% of the attacks by using an Anti Virus as a RESTful service. I hope it'll help you as well.

Anti-Virus made for developers

Don't let a virus ruin your reputation. Scan files before sharing to ensure your data – and your customers' data – stays safe

Anti-Virus made for developers

Ahmad Mayahi
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Hey guys,
AI is expected to take over millions of jobs within the next five years. Use this tool to determine whether your job is one of them, so you can take action before it's too late.

AI Took My Job
Check if AI will replace your job within the next five years

Check if AI will replace your career/job within the next five years

AI Took My Job
Check if AI will replace your job within the next five years

Ahmad Mayahi
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Hey guys! I wanted an easy flashcard tool to help me memorize new words, so I created LingQuiz, a 100% free AI flashcard tool that supports 35 languages and accents.

Never forget new words from now on

A simple, easy-to-use flashcards tool that helps you learn new words by leveraging the power of spaced repetition techniques and AI flashcards

Never forget new words from now on

Hey guys,
My AI Startup enables you to kickstart your AI startup in no time. It comes with a variety of AI solutions that helps you in building impressive AI projects. It's the way to start earning from your projects in no time.

My AI Startup
Ship your AI startup in less than 24 hours

Ahmad Mayahi
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Hey guys,
I've been asked by some friends how I create my AI projects, such as, which I recently launched and gained 1200 users in a month.
Another project of mine is photoenhanceai, which allows users to manipulate their images using AI. Lastly, there's shortcutsGPT, a wrapper around ChatGPT4.
My AI Startup is an attempt aimed at helping everyone launch their own AI startup...

My AI Startup
Ship your AI startup in less than 24 hours

Ahmad Mayahi
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Hey guys,
This is version 2.0 of ShortcutsGPT, now it comes with 7000+ well-crafted prompts, I hope you like it :-)

ShortcutsGPT V2
7000+ well-crafted ChatGPT prompts at your fingertips

Hey guys, I created this website for myself because, despite living in Denmark for a few years, I found myself struggling with some conversations. There are over 380 real-life conversations waiting for you.

Learn Danish through real-life conversations

7000+ well-crafted ChatGPT prompts at your fingertips, No need to copy-paste, we have a fully-fledged ChatGPT interface. You can utilize the prompts directly without leaving the website.

ShortcutsGPT V2
7000+ well-crafted ChatGPT prompts at your fingertips

Ahmad Mayahi
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Hey guys,
How many people live in Denmark but struggle with small talks? I know that feeling because I've been there too. I spent hours learning grammar and other things I never used. That's why I created this website, offering you 383 real-life conversations for free. These are the conversations you'll actually use, derived from real-life situations.
I built this website in two days,...

Learn Danish through real-life conversations

Ahmad Mayahi
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Hey guys,
I've created an AI interior designer that leverages three distinct models to generate the best AI designs.
Although there are many AI interior designers available, unfortunately, most are either very expensive or fail to produce quality images. Consequently, I decided to develop my own solution, and I hope you'll like it :-)

AI Interior Designer
AI interior designer in minutes