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Ahmet Dedeler
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what do y'all think of the product? any thoughts/suggestions welcome!
Discover, compare, and choose AI models—100% Free makes it easy to explore, compare, and calculate costs for every AI model—LLMs, vision models, and more. Sort by price, token limits, or features, and find the perfect match for your use case in seconds.
Discover, compare, and choose AI models—100% Free
Ahmet Dedeler
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Hey hunters 👋
I'm Ahmet, a 17-year-old high schooler from Turkey 🇹🇷
AI is evolving fast, and choosing the right model for your project shouldn't be complicated.
That's why I built—a platform where you can compare every AI model, calculate costs, and find the best one for your needs.
The process is simple:
Compare models by price, token limits, or special capabilities like...
Discover, compare, and choose AI models—100% Free
Ahmet Dedeler
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I think the new tier will do really well. Invaluable for software engineers, where most make $100k+/year.
not me though :(
ChatGPT Pro
Scaled access to research-grade intelligence
Ahmet Dedeler
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Absolutely amazing product!
Really useful for designs and to create cool photos!
Amazing work 👏
Text Behind Image
Create stunning text-behind-image designs easily
Ahmet Dedeler
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I've been using VideoFast for a while now and I must say it really is great!
As an Indie Hackers it is sometimes hard for me to find time to create and edit videos, all other editing software is too complicated.
VideoFast has made it light-speed for me with 99% of the quality.
Hope to see new updates & improvements! Love the product!
Super easy online video editor