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Macaw Scarlet
The Live Design Environment

Aj Mihalic
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What do you use for the business model? Payment upon signup? Or payment upon success. Payment upon a users success may be a good idea. Than you can guarantee customer satisfaction before any payment is made.
Also this idea just dawned on me and I'm not sure of the validity of it but perhaps you can provide some insight...why not do something like a marketplace that matches people who want to...

Apartment search concierge service targeting Millennials

Aj Mihalic
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I think this is a great concept. It's also innovative in off-loading a lot of fraud analysis from the issuer to the consumer.

Never worry about fraud, breaches, or cancelled credit cards

Aj Mihalic
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Should also check out @Heap, @fullstory, You guys could make magic if you teamed up.
See every click, swipe and scroll on your site.

Aj Mihalic
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If their was a way to hook this into mobile iOS or Android I'd jump on it in a second. Seriously.
See every click, swipe and scroll on your site.

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