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The Datablock Library is a repository of the most popular metrics (for 60+ data sources) that are pre-configured so that users can simply drag-and-drop them into a dashboard and the data (and visualization) will populate in seconds.

The Datablock Library by Databox
The easiest way to make sense of your data.

Databox Goals
Set numeric goals and track your progress automatically.

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Hi guys! First of all congratulations for a great product and welcome to the analytics space.
I invite you to try Besides data sources like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, iTunes connect Google Play and other you can also connect to Google Analytics - full integration list
Supported are all of top Google Analytcs metrics but if you are a...
Google Analytics Dashboard by Datadeck
Create presentation ready Google Analytics dashboards.

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Hi guys! I invite you to try Besides data sources like Twitter, Facebook, Google Analytics, iTunes connect and other you can also connect to Instagram.
Supported metrics: New likes, Most commented and liked posts, mot used filters, top tags and more
Supported are both platforms iOS and Android (search for databox). Good to mention is that Databox is not just an app. It is a...

Analytics for Instagram
Free basic analytics for Instagram