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    Aju G
    Aju G
    left a comment
    Putting my Shoe on at my workstation, to remind me to not go to the bed!
    Udit Tehri
    What’s your best memory of working from home?
    Aju G
    Aju G
    left a comment
    Usually, instincts backed by data.
    How did you come up with the idea for your product or service?
    Aju G
    Aju G
    left a comment
    This book came in handy for almost all the types of pitches I did. Pitch Anything Book by Oren Klaff. All the best!
    Ayomi Samaraweera
    I'm doing a virtual interview/pitch for an accelerator program next week - any advice or tips?
    Ayomi Samaraweera
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    Aju G
    Aju G
    started a discussion

    Is there a way to create portfolio for web3 generalist?

    On one side you cannot trust the existing professional profile on the other there is no legitimate way to show a body of work(off-chain contribution like content, marketing, design etc.) and explore opportunities in web3. On top of that professional employment and skill verification are expensive for organizations. I was wondering if we could crowdsource proof of work/employment/skill...
    Aju G
    Aju G
    left a comment
    You'll do great!! All the best Emmanuel
    Emmanuel Salako
    Launching my first startup 🎉
    Emmanuel Salako
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