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Akshay Jirage
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Artmarq is recently featured in this very interesting article which surveys AI opportunity in Art Market. "The rise of the AI artists and the companies that are set to cash in" by Natasha Bernal

Art business data & analytics at your fingertips everywhere

Akshay Jirage
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Artmarq is featured among industry heavy weights like Google and Prisma as one of the Top 10 AI companies in the Art Industry. More here

Art business data & analytics at your fingertips everywhere

Akshay Jirage
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Hello everyone, Artmarq is made to bring data-driven decision making $57Billion-a-year art business. I am Akshay Jirage and I will be here to answer your questions if any regarding Artmarq iPhone app.

Art business data & analytics at your fingertips everywhere

Artmarq brings data-driven decision making to the $57 Billion a year art industry. It is a mobile first product made to track, analyse and broadcast all the deasl in Art Business. Artmarq App helps users to navigate the complex art market otherwise dubbed as ‘Exclusive’, ’Opaque’ and ‘Intimidating’ at a competitive price and on Mobile.

Art business data & analytics at your fingertips everywhere