All activity

The Pitch: Sudden Coffee (Season 2, Episode 2)
Will this instant coffee startup get the funding they need?

The Pitch: Teamable (Season 2, Episode 1)
A bold east coast founder pitches to five VC's in San Fran

The Intern 8: Forward
The final episode, the Intern graduates.

The Intern: Anil Dash full length interview
Diversity and inclusion in tech

The Intern - 7: The Priority Problem
Betaworks CEO John Borthwick on diversity in tech

The Intern #6: Let's Play CHKN
Why did the one-legged chicken go on YouTube?

OPT-IN! — A Marketing and Sales Podcast
Why every business should have a podcast

The Intern - 5: What's Your Worth?
Asking for a raise

The Intern - On The Chopping Block
Companies get shut down, the podcast is back in limbo.

The Intern - 3: Stand By Me
Allison buys a new mattress and learns how to use Twitter

The Intern - 2: Money on the Mind
Where is all this money coming from? Allison figures it out.

The Intern - 1: A Great Success or A Great Failure
Allison tries to explain the internship to her grandpa

Allison Behringer
left a comment
Hey everyone! This is Allison and I'm so excited to share my podcast. For the past couple months, I’ve been interviewing people, recording conversations, and documenting my life at betaworks and in NYC. Shout out to everyone who's shown me the tech ropes. Let me know what you think and I'm happy to answer questions.

The Intern Podcast - The preview
Allison navigates a new career in tech at betaworks

The Intern Podcast - The preview
Allison navigates a new career in tech at betaworks