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Alexa Vovchenko
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Don't be stressed about posting - there's a lot of chance not many people will view it 'cause that's how LinkedIn algorithm usually works.
P.S. But this also doesn't mean you should stop posting there - it will take your time to build the funnel, but it will work out sooner or later.
Why is it so hard to post on LinkedIn?
Zoya Matin
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Alexa Vovchenko
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Agree with the guys, I'd better use share buttons for the newsletter emails or blog posts
How helpful are share buttons on the landing page?
Sanskar Tiwari
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Alexa Vovchenko
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Friday. It's like a psychological border between my weekly work and the weekend one :)
What's your favorite day of the week and why?
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Alexa Vovchenko
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Sent from my iPhone - is soo true xDDDDDD
Worst ways to end professional emails?
Samuli Pehkonen
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Alexa Vovchenko
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Fiction - Gone with the Wind. I adored Scarlett as a child and she taught me to never give up
Non-fiction - Positive Intelligence by Shirzad Chamine. I read it when I had burnout and was close to depression. It's brilliant.
Non-fiction The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. This is the book which is accompanying me in my life journey. I think, we're all born to live our life in joy and creativity....
What book, fiction/non-fiction, changed a part of you and how?
Stuti Agarwal
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Alexa Vovchenko
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Personally I start crystallising the idea, turn it into a logical concept. Then I start researching on how the things are going in this very field.
What's the first thing you do when working on a new idea?
Aaron O'Leary
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Alexa Vovchenko
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I have 2 printers at home, because nobody in my family knew such a service exists :) where are you available geographically?

Upload a document and we’ll print and deliver it to you

Alexa Vovchenko
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Hahah, my husband also doesn't trust Bitcoin and blockchain, says it's a financial pyramid
Bitcoin Is Dead?
See precisely how wrong Bitcoin haters have been

Alexa Vovchenko
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Good suggestion, I'm gonna share this with my friend who learns drawing on iPad :)
Gravity Sketch for iPad
Easy 3D sketching for design and ideation

Alexa Vovchenko
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The first and foremost mistake is to be afraid of telling and sharing your startup idea. A LOT of founders do that because they worry that someone might steal their idea. On the contrary, you MUST go public with your project asap, be present in online communities, show how you build up your startup step by step, create a beta newsletter, so that by the time you start sales there's a community...
What are the biggest mistakes made by startup entrepreneurs?

Alexa Vovchenko
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Furs everywhere, constantly dirty floors, how to teach a puppy not to use a floor as a toilette. Gosh, I guess I'm quite lucky with my dog 'cause I really don't have much problems with it.
What is the most difficult part of being a pet parent?
Begüm Bayram
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Alexa Vovchenko
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:D I need to show it to my team!

Son of a Pitch
The quick pitch card game

Alexa Vovchenko
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Subscribed! Maybe you'll help me make my orchids finally bloom :)

How Many Plants
A growing plant care resource and community

Alexa Vovchenko
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I found a website called AnswerThePublic. You type a keyword in there and their search analyses what people are looking for in this field.
How do you generate content ideas?
Michał Jońca
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Alexa Vovchenko
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Yes, I used to waste a lot of time on LinkedIn trying to create some connections. As a result, I'm still doing this but instead of trying to approach more people I concentrate on smaller amount of those who found it mutually valuable.
Do you waste a lot of time trying to find business connections?🤔 Yes, or No and Why?
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Alexa Vovchenko
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It's like a platform for payments only, right? I mean, how would a freelancer convince someone from e.g., Upwork to register on your website for payments only? Or you target Freelanium to a different type of freelancer who doesn't use any platform to find orders?

All in one easy agreements platform for freelancers

Alexa Vovchenko
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I like it, worth an upvote :) Unfortunately, not for me, but I'd recommend to those who sell stuff online

Yown It
Turn posts into purchases with a simple, lightning fast app

Alexa Vovchenko
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I like the idea, it's much more comfortable to have such information appearing in one particular place. Wish you succeed!

Get paid for referring friends to jobs 💰

Alexa Vovchenko
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I hope it will be the way you describe because I perceive going to the cinema already as a special event :D However, I'm not sure if post pandemic will affect the usage of social media or gadgets generally.
Will people still use social audio / social media post Covid?
Sarah Jordi
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Alexa Vovchenko
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Makes sense, I close eventually all my open tabs without checking out the content because there's so much of them that I can't handle reading all the texts at once

Bookmarks inactive tabs automatically, curate a reading list