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Alexandre Bouchard
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I've been testing the new Basedash for a few months and the amount of craft the team has put into it is unreal. Practically wether you know SQL or not isn't the point anymore it's just so much fastest to iterate on a query with plain text. Let's go!!

The AI-native business intelligence platform

Alexandre Bouchard
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Congrats @juraj_masar & @veronikakolejak love your products

Query your logs like you query your database

Hookdeck makes it simple to build and deploy reliable, testable, and debuggable applications that rely on webhooks. We abstract the complexity and technical knowledge required to handle webhooks in production.

Instantly & reliably manage your webhooks

Alexandre Bouchard
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Hey Product Hunt! 😄
I'm a full-stack dev and product designer from Montreal, and I love building products and tools that empower devs, making their lives easier.
The problem
While I was working at an E-commerce, I found myself constantly troubleshooting Shopify webhooks every other week. While I was looking for a solution, that's when I realized I had to implement my own infrastructure to...

Instantly & reliably manage your webhooks

Alexandre Bouchard
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Hello there! Today we are introducing, a simple website that tells you when the next bus to your destination is leaving. Whether you just need to get away or you just decided to attend that great summer festival, we let you book on-the-go last minute bus tickets. is a side project we built upon the Busbud API during our latest hackathon. Busbud offers the largest sellable...
Hop in the next bus to the right place!
Hop in the next bus to the right place!