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Alex Gillis
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Have been using StickerMule for years and found an invite to Stimulus in my inbox today! Sounds like an interesting concept to bridge the gap between brands in need of attention and people in search of dollars. Will be interesting to see what's to come as more brands are welcomed to the platform!

The happy social network

Stimulus is a happy social network where giveaways replace advertising. Brands need attention to grow. People need money to live. Stimulus helps both. ID verification is required to eliminate bot spam, fraud, and abuse. (US Only)

The happy social network

Alex Gillis
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Used the code "PRODUCTHUNT" to save 50% on the Pro plan. Instantly gained access to advanced analytics, custom colour themes, UTM sourcing, etc. Totally worth it.
Pros: Free account it great but Pro account is TOTALLY worth it
Cons: None yet! :)
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