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imagine that! one template that lets you control the basic aspects of your life, with Personal Assistant Premium Template for notion you can set your Goals, Projects, Tasks, budgets, finances, and more

Personal Assistant Pro
An all-in-one premium Notion template to get things done

Abdualrhman Alfulayt
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There are basic aspects in life that we must follow up constantly if we want success and permanent and continuous development
But we always get ourselves lost and try to use multiple applications to be able to control, but with a large number of applications, and each application has an area, something for managing tasks, something for managing and writing goals, and the other for projects and...

Personal Assistant Pro
An all-in-one premium Notion template to get things done

Abdualrhman Alfulayt
left a comment
Hello All ๐
before years ago, I noticed my self spent a lot of time switching between the cases manually. where I work, we have extreme rules to how we should type the class name and function name and also the localized values one with upper camel case and the other with lower camel case and one with snake case... etc.
so I created this app for me to use, but after a while when I saw it was...

Switch Between Case Styles in a Blink

before years ago, I noticed my self spent a lot of time switching between the cases manually. where I work, we have extreme rules to how we should type the class name and function name and also the localized valuesูซ

Switch Between Case Styles in a Blink