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Alok Vasudev
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Nice work! What's on your extension wish list @rauchg?
Terminal emulator based on JS, HTML and CSS

Alok Vasudev
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Came across this app while looking for alternatives to iBooks. Dropbox support is nice and there are a ton of typography options to customize. Any other good eBook readers out there in PH land?

eBook reader for iOS. Your books, everywhere.

eBook reader for iOS. Your books, everywhere.

Alok Vasudev
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Any specific use case you're targeting to get folks using it regularly?
Turn your email conversations into a real-time chat

Alok Vasudev
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Would be great for camping and other outdoorsy stuff

The Stand Up
Stand Up and Join the Urination

Alok Vasudev
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I'm a Fantastical man. Covers my "calendar in the toolbar" need.

Simple menu bar clock replacement w/ calendar for your Mac

Alok Vasudev
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Love Acompli! It quickly became my new default email app. Focused inbox is a great feature – it helps me feel less overwhelmed by email :)

Acompli (Android)
Inbox that surfaces your most important email

Alok Vasudev
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I used to compare weather forecasts from different sources, and then I came across Weatherline [1] (which uses; their way of displaying weather information is just amazing. Enough information density presented in a clear way that it would make Edward Tufte shed a single tear.

Never argue over your weather source again

Alok Vasudev
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This is awesome. Great onboarding flow too. I watched the video first so I had a sense for how to use it, but the product itself does a great job teaching. Now time to rope some more friends into it!

Awesome link sharing/commenting with friends.

Docker containers as a cloud service

The Decentralized Internet is Here

Alok Vasudev
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Nicely done, @ebloch! Excited to try this out.

SMS bot that monitors your bank account & saves you money

Alok Vasudev
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Can anyone explain what "best" means?

Find the best healthcare provider in your area

Decentralized file storage using a blockchain (pre-launch)

Alok Vasudev
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Reminds me of the phantom keyboard in "Rainbows End"!
Many years back there were these laser keyboards that would project an image of keys on a surface that you'd type with. Heard the lack of mechanical feedback made them a challenge to use.

The keyless keyboard of the future

Alok Vasudev
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Great looking product! I'm constantly in search-mode for a great "thought organizer". I've tried everything from wikis to outlining tools to mind maps and I've yet to find anything that sticks for more than a few weeks.

The simplest way to make a wiki (also mobile/responsive)

Alok Vasudev
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Totally agree @staringispolite! These guys and ResearchGate have a chance to reinvent the central nervous system for how we do science.
Their users are a super tricky group of people to build a product/service for, though. There's high intrinsic churn, convoluted incentive structures, and many are technology laggards. I could go on and on about this...
A Social Network to Share and Follow Research.

Alok Vasudev
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Have any ticket platforms been able to sell tickets once the game's started? When I used to live by the ballpark you could get into games in the 2nd or 3rd inning for $10 or even less sometimes. Scalping-aaS?

Last minute tickets at unbeatable prices. All on your phone.