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tonebase seeks to democratize high level music education by making knowledge from the legends accessible to any student, anywhere. We recently launched for the Classical Guitar and have more instruments planned and coming soon. Based out of Yale University, we're a team of three trying to bring high level music education to the 21st century.

Online masterclasses from the world's greatest guitarists

Abhi Nayar
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Stripe Atlas was a godsend.My startup, tonebase, incorporated using Stripe Atlas. It was both easier, faster and MUCH cheaper than using lawyers. Our lawyers were quoting upwards of a few thousand dollars to file the incorporation forms whereas Stripe Atlas was just $500 + some other small fees.In addition they give you AWS credits and some other perks (that I don't particularly remember)....

Stripe Atlas
The best way to start an internet business

Abhi Nayar
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Love the package, use it just as much nounproject, just wish it had a few more icons and maybe a few different styles. As it stands, for the icons they offer, it's my GO-TO resource.
Pros: Great, High quality Icons | Love the line styles
Cons: More icons, More styles

Feather Icons
Simply beautiful open source icons

Abhi Nayar
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Unsplash is an amazing resource. When I started designing/developing purchasing expensive stock photos was one of the only ways of consistently getting images to use in design/web projects.With Unsplash and Pexels, etc. though now I have access to an almost unlimited library of images. I've used Unsplash for projects all the way from mobile apps, websites, to billboard advertisements. Best part...
Unsplash 5.0
Free (do whatever you want) high-resolution photos.