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Andrii Mitchenko
The 5W1H method involves asking six key questions: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How. Printable templates will serve as your creative drafts, helping you discover new ideas, explore the world using the 5W1H creative method.
5W1H Creative method templates
5W1H Creative method templates
Use templates to work with the 5W1H creative method.
Andrii Mitchenko
The main problem is the scale of the mind map. It is difficult to make a detailed branching of many links on one sheet. This product offers a solution to this problem with the idea of a logical connection of numbered printed sheets.
Mind mapping connection
Mind mapping connection
Create and expand mind maps by hand on sheets of paper.
Andrii Mitchenko
It's a brainstorming tool. In Notion template, every brainstorming session is created with a simple click of a button. For each session, a table for write down and evaluating ideas, a help for evaluating, an action plan, useful links and working documents.
Brainstorming Notion template
Brainstorming Notion template
Brainstorming management tool. Create, select, implement.