Aneesa Raza

Aneesa Raza

I am professional at Lead Generation
1 point
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Aneesa Raza

Bulk SMS Sender(Android) - SMSGadget
Bulk SMS Sender(Android) - SMSGadget
messaging tool for business to send marketing & advertising
Aneesa Raza

A business whether sole proprietor, partnership, or private limited company can easily promote its product or services to their target market instead of spending billions of money Newspaper Ads, Television Ads. etc. for a single view. Mobile Messaging is the only way to reach anybody from an educated professional to basic literate person.

Bulk SMS Sender - SMSGadget
Bulk SMS Sender - SMSGadget
Bulk SMS messaging software for business to send marketing
Aneesa Raza

top Lead Extractor is an easy-to-use, fast and result-oriented contacts(email,Phone,Skype,MSN,AOL,Yahoo,and ICQ IDs) extractor software. It extracts your targeted customer's contact info from more than 66 search engines and targeted sites. will find and collect contact info for you within minutes, and you can spend the time you save on yourself.

Top Lead Extractor
Top Lead Extractor
Contacts(email,Phone,Skype,AOL,Yahoo) extractor software.
Aneesa Raza

LinkedIn Missing Data Extractor
LinkedIn Missing Data Extractor
support 66 search engines. search according to your country.
Aneesa Raza

extracts companies profiles from LinkedIn and Sales Navigator. It automatically extracts companies info like LinkedIn profile link, Business Name, Contact info(email, phone number available on google), Company Size, Followers, Website, Industry, company type, Address,name etc. You can export your data in .xlsx, .csv,(opens in excel) .txt files

LinkedIn Company Extractor
LinkedIn Company Extractor
Extracts companies profile from LinkedIn and Sales Navigator
Aneesa Raza

Tired of Copying Leads from LinkedIn and Recruiter Into Excel Spreadsheets?

If yes, LinkedIn Recruiter Extractor is the right choice saving your time and money. LinkedIn and LinkedIn Recruiter sites are the best source of contact information of professionals. This tool captures contact info like first name, last name, email, phone, twitter, skills

LinkedIn Recruiter Extractor
LinkedIn Recruiter Extractor
Extracts data from LinkedIn and LinkedIn Recruiter profiles
Aneesa Raza

this is an easy-to-use, fast and result-oriented telephone number extractor software. It can extract telephone/mobile/fax number extractor along with user/company name from internet/website/local files. The phone number extractor uses search engines like Bing, Google, Yahoo, Ask, Yandex, Baidu, Mail RU, Rambler, etc to search the phone numbers.

Cute Web Phone number Extractor
Cute Web Phone number Extractor
Extracts phone, fax, mobile number from 66 search engines.
Aneesa Raza

Cute Web Email Extractor Advance
Cute Web Email Extractor Advance
Result-oriented email address extractor for email marketing,
Aneesa Raza
LinkedIn Sale Navigator Extractor
LinkedIn Sale Navigator Extractor
Extracts data from LinkedIn and Sales Navigator
Aneesa Raza

LinkedIn Lead Extractor extracts data from LinkedIn. This tool can captures contact information such as name, email, business name, address, phone number, websites, messenger ids, skill, and other important information from LinkedIn. Tired of Copying LinkedIn Leads Into Excel Spreadsheets?

If yes "LinkedIn Lead Extractor" is the right choice.

LinkedIn Lead Extractor
LinkedIn Lead Extractor
Copying LinkedIn Leads(contact info) Into Excel Spreadsheets