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Anika Zaman
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Love the idea. We know kids love their screen time - why not make it productive and stimulating for the mind?!
Interactive mobile shows kids can play, not just watch
Anika Zaman
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Looks so good! Love Virtually and seeing the progress! Congrats :)
Virtually 3.0
Build cohort-based, live courses powered by Zoom
Anika Zaman
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Congrats Humanloop!
Train state-of-the-art language AI in the browser
Anika Zaman
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We use Here all the time and love it! It makes our team meetings fun, and definitely beats being in Zoom calls. I've been showing my friends Here and definitely plan to use it for social calls as well!
Hang out and collaborate over video on a real-time canvas
Anika Zaman
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As someone working on a remote team, this really makes sense. We generally work together on our own stuff while keeping messenger or zoom on - but this slows down my computer and takes up one of my monitors. Honestly, this sounds like a great solution.
A new hardware device to connect remote teams
Anika Zaman
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Amazing tool for education and needed now more than ever!
Virtually 2.0
Build your own online school
Anika Zaman
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Looks really cool! Will definitely share with my team!
Replace boring meetings with daily, async updates