Anthony Blatner

Anthony Blatner

tech, tacos & austin |
2 points
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Anthony Blatner

What do the fastest growing e-commerce stores have in common?

Which ecom platform do they use?

How do they acquire customers?

What verticals are growing fastest?

From their website provider of choice, to which widgets and plug-ins are the most popular.

Here are the data points we found around technology, SEO, advertising, and more...

Fastest Growing E-Commerce Stores 2019 [Customer Acquisition Study]
Fastest Growing E-Commerce Stores 2019 [Customer Acquisition Study]
What do all the best retailers have in common?
Anthony Blatner
Austin Marketing Stack
Austin Marketing Stack
Marketing Resources from the city of tacos & live music
Anthony Blatner
Jackrabbit Mobile Playbook
Jackrabbit Mobile Playbook
How & why we do what we do to build the best products & apps