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  • Ariel Roasso

    Ariel Roasso

    Backend developer in sabbatical year
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    Ariel Roasso
    Ariel Roasso
    started a discussion

    Would like your feedback for a PDF Interactive Learning product

    Hi, guys! I've started working on a webpage that allows you to learn from PDFs in a more fun way by asking you questions near the relevant text. I would appreciate some feedback on the idea—do you think it is something people would use? Feel free to share your thoughts on the implementation as well. https://capizi.web.app/
    Ariel Roasso
    Ariel Roasso
    started a discussion

    Hi all :)

    I'm new here. As I'm in sabbatical year I would like to build some stuff and try new things. I have experince mostly in backend so I would like to learn and craete some frontend stuff this is my first project it creates questions from PDF file: https://capizi.web.app/
    Ariel Roasso
    Ariel Roasso
    started a discussion

    Questions generator from PDF

    Hello, I've been working on a side project, a website aimed at assisting students in their learning journey with PDF materials. While it's in its early stages, I'm happy to gather feedback and welcome any ideas for improvement. https://capizi.web.app/