The app provides the end users with over 1 Million plus wallpapers to choose from. The fun part is that this app also allows users to do the following:-
Upload custom fan based art.
Provide ratings and allow comments on favorite artworks or anime wallpapers.
Getting your personal anime wallpaper on to top of the charts by other users from all
around the globe reviewing them and rating them.
Signing in through google & Facebook accounts to prioritize your favorites.
The app combines all the different anime's from around 1989 - To the very near future. If we have missed out on any anime's or wallpapers you can inform us or can upload them manually through the upload option provided in the application
Cool Features:-
Set you wallpaper for the following just by one click - Home screen - Contacts - Lock Screen - Home screen and Lock screen.
Design and upload wallpapers for others to share, review and like.
Daily updated wallpapers with immediate notifications to the end users.
Favorite option to better help you remember your best pickings.
Personalized features when upgrading to the pro version + Add free operations.
Fast and flexible to use on the go for on the run users.
Easy to use and navigate User interface system.
Feedback provision for each and every wallpapers
High Definition wallpapers along side priority for choosing Standard definition.
Wallpaper details along side Anime info.
Popular featured wallpapers that are sorted out according to various user ratings and most viewed count all available in a single touch for you too also review and download.
Fast and efficient download system integrated into the app for the best user experience.
Easy upload facilities to get you artwork/wallpaper up on the server for others to view.
User database and personalized mini control panel to view your statistics.
Search feature to search for your favorite anime, character or wallpaper/fan art user.
Push notifications with low data consuming features.
All this and more coming on the way...
What you get when you subscribe to our pro subscription:
The ads are cancelled off so you can use the app with a hassle free/add free environment.
Other than that we provide the same features for the regular users too cause we don't want them to be cut short of any user experience just cause they don't want to or don't have money to spend.
Contact us regarding any copyright complaints of any wallpapers or any artwork that comes into your notice. The contact details are in the developer account or in the app itself.

Quad Player provides a user interface like never before and includes a number of great features such as mentioned below (but are not limited to):-
1. H.D equalizers with bass and 3.D surround sound effect:
Listen to your music with state of the art android media player audio effects along side setting your favorite equalizer settings and choosing from a number of wide presets.
2. Sound Cloud search:
Search your favorite music from the world renowned music site "Sound cloud" and save them along side their DNA's, sharing it with your friends to define the unique pattern you get through them. Search from 1+ Million songs including a number of stations, Languages, Cities, Countries and Genre's.
3. Favorites and Playlists:
Add your local and online songs in a playlist and favorite them out so you can easily access them without the hassle of searching them again. Playlists and favorite feature is a user friendly GUI provided for people to keep track of their most heard songs and continue listening to them periodically.
4. Recent Tailoring:
The App automatically tailors your favorite songs by adding the most listened songs into the recent field so that even if you just forgot what you listened to, it will be still easy to get it back by checking the recent's bar.
5. Visualizations and DNA:
Stunning and eye catching visualizations are provided for mainly two purposes.
i) To enhance the listening experience with a unique variety of colors and splashes .
ii) To provide a unique DNA for each song you listen which will be described in detail below.
6. DNA:
Unique song DNA are stored in the form of visual elements and are generated with the songs input tunes and the effects you attach the music player. Every song will result in a different visualization given the different effects and tunes. By the end of which you can save, share and keep as a memory in the Music DNA folder that will be saved at the end of every song after you click the Save button below.
7. Sleep Timer:
Choose the time you want to set the App to sleep and wake up according to you needs and hearing timings.
8. Wifi only Mode:
The Music Player App gives you the power to control the player to stop streaming while your on mobile data and vice versa. Just turn on the Wifi only settings in the settings menu and you safe to go. This feature is specifically provided for those who don't want to accidentally waste Mobile data or don't want the streaming to take place on the cost of the phones default mobile data.
9. Different Skin Colors:
Choose from over 1000+ Skin colors and tones settings according to you desire and set them as the color. Just remember when you set white the OK and cancel button would seem to disappear but remember they are there. They only seem to be invisible cause the background is white (Default) and the color you just choose is also white so if you have problem regarding that just press the OK button where it is cause it's still there.
10. Queue :
Add your musics to be played one by one or on a bunch by adding all the music to queue. You will be provided a button with a plus sign as you may choose to add all the musics or any particular one to a queue. The options are available in - Favorites, Local and Streaming music folders as well as individual Files.
Other Features:
Super fast streaming and uninterrupted buffering with S.O.A features and functionalities provided by the android media player.
Material Design with super fast U.I navigation and a clean coding.
Notifications with headset control functionalities.
Cache clearance on time based interval to improve storage and app performance.
Less system consuming resources with no sacrifice in performance of the Tamil Music Application.
Local song playing support along side Online streaming.

International Space Station Live view with Satellite tracking and NASA TV is an application that lets you view the live feed sent from the ISS to NASA in real time and allows tracking of the ISS in real time. The app also lets users experience the educational information provided by the astronauts and fellow members of NASA TV live.