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badre kabbou
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congrats on the launch,
looks quite interesting, will give it a shot for sure.
Your AI assistant to discover and understand research papers

badre kabbou
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send free value value value (warming) then pitch.
Do you think cold outreaching works? We're trying different approaches but still skeptical.
Ege Yalçınkaya
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badre kabbou
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i remember when i participated in a competition organized by the stock exchange a few years ago in my country with "history" data. It was definitely pretty informative and practical.
upvote on ph, and a star on GitHub.

Bloom Stock Market Game
Open source stock market simulation game

badre kabbou
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i don't why your logo reminds me of the Renault logo, congrats on the PH launch
All your customer conversations in one place

badre kabbou
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Looks nice, but couldn't be able to use it, since windows defender detected as a harmful software!

Icon Shelf
A free icon manager for web developers

badre kabbou
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The first NFT marketplace that has geo-blocking 😑😒

The NFT marketplace for everyone

badre kabbou
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Congrats on the launch for the mobile device , i've been using since it's launch for windows 👏👏👏

Obsidian for Mobile
Your plain-text second brain on the go, for iOS and Android