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Ben Drucker
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Simple clone with some ambiguous social rewards program? Pretty seriously underwhelming for a company that's commanded so much hype.

Mobile wallet that treats you & friends to fun surprises

Lagavulin 21
Tastes of brine, sea spray, and coal dust

Ben Drucker
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To echo the top comment on HN, Sublime Text is something I'm delighted to pay for and would happily pay quite a bit more. Here's why:
I spend a full *third* of my time on the computer in Sublime Text in productive months for roughly 60 hours a month with Sublime as the active window in OS X. GitHub is second at 25 hours and iTerm at 12.
I think it'll be...

Lime Text
Open Source code editor

Ben Drucker
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Can't say enough great things about these. I have a set of ruled and dot grids from backing on KS. The ruled basically go everywhere with me — I'm just about to fill my first. The cover has gotten pretty grimy in spots but other than some fraying of the place marker this thing is rock solid. Dot grid is my UI sketching notebook.
Plus, my original KS order was screwed up and I got all dot...

Baron Fig Confidant
Notebook for thinkers

Ben Drucker
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@kirillzubovsky It's written in Erlang but it's glue from IMAP to WebSockets. If you really need this functionality it would be way faster than a ground-up rewrite.

Open-source email processing built in Erlang

Ben Drucker
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@jessepollak Will do. No promises since as mentioned above it's not really something I'd justify putting on my todo list for my applications. On the other hand it's a one hour project, maybe less. If just one of the people groveling in GH issues would actually sit down and write some code it'd already be done :)

Make your credit card form better in one line of code.

Ben Drucker
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Two way data binding frameworks like Angular are particularly well suited for this kind of problem. The ability to define a parsing and formatting pipeline for translating from/to input values to/from objects.
Might think about creating a companion directive to my WIP on Angular CC form validation (

Make your credit card form better in one line of code.

Ben Drucker
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My background in this is through photography. I've done a fair amount of research and reading to build background for that. These numbers are pure guesswork, but for every one case of persecuted fair use I'd guess there are at least 10,000 cases of violations committed under the guise of fair use. If you a 5th grader decides to include a thumbnail of a Time magazine cover in a report about the...

Hip Hop
Listen to 45 million songs (Popcorn time for music)

Ben Drucker
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This is very cool.
@Copypastaa My experiences have been largely the same. I spend most of my time working on actual commerce infrastructure — backend and front end. I've found that even the faintest hint of skeuomorphism rarely works. Most products would be better off covering as many validation and parsing cases as possible, leaving formatting for last.
By validation I mean luhn testing...

Make your credit card form better in one line of code.

Ben Drucker
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@staringispolite Yup, the moral and legal bits get mixed in a discussion like this. Please correct me if there's case law to the contrary but I don't think any of the song videos on YouTube, whether the visuals are an original work or just lyrics, would qualify as fair use.
Time shifting a recording for personal use is protected because that use is personal. The line gets blurry at some...

Hip Hop
Listen to 45 million songs (Popcorn time for music)

Ben Drucker
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@staringispolite everyone loves to claim fair use online, but whether or not you make money really has no bearing. Those videos are copyright violations. Fair use covers Jon Stewart when he uses short news clips in order to comment on them. That's not considered a copy or a derivative work. Making a lyric video with an unlicensed song is a violation of the artist's copyright.
That said, I'm...

Hip Hop
Listen to 45 million songs (Popcorn time for music)

Ben Drucker
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@_jacksmith Other way around. Feature-wise, I'd like to have bank debits and full descriptor control (vs suffix w/ Stripe).
The bigger reason is that a dedicated marketplace payments system would help me delay building a few dedicated internal tools. That alone is big.

Balanced Push 2 Card
Send money to a checking account using their debit card

Ben Drucker
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@_jacksmith I'm actually thinking about making the switch soon. I love their model, but it's hard to make that work in practice when Stripe can observe and preempt their feature set.

Balanced Push 2 Card
Send money to a checking account using their debit card

Ben Drucker
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Venmo and Square are loss leaders though. Stripe just announced this feature on Wednesday ( at 25¢/transaction. I just don't see a place for Balanced in the payments space in the long run.

Balanced Push 2 Card
Send money to a checking account using their debit card

Ben Drucker
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Will be trying this as soon as I can get a delivery window :)

Google Express
Same-day delivery for groceries and more (now in NYC & LA)

Ben Drucker
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@_jacksmith Agreed. Forwarded along this info to a friend who's the product manager for iOS and Chrome.

RelateIQ 2.0 for iOS
Automate, simplify, & deepen your professional relationships

Ben Drucker
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@_jacksmith I believe you need to be on a trial/contract to use the mobile app

RelateIQ 2.0 for iOS
Automate, simplify, & deepen your professional relationships

Ben Drucker
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I tried a handful of coffee timers a few weeks back and eventually deleted all of them in favor of the built in stopwatch. This looks like exactly what I wanted.

A simple timer app for brewing coffee