Tovala combines a multi-function oven and meal delivery service that makes it easy to enjoy delicious, freshly cooked meals without any of the work.
Introducing, The Tovala Steam Oven with Tovala IQ™. The next generation oven packs the same capacity and power, but is 15% smaller and more portable with more controls. Buy yours today from $249!

Digs allows you to earn move-in bonuses and cash back on your apartment in order to save for your first home. Simply rent as you normally would and watch your account balance grow. All Digs accounts earn interest and you have the ability to earn more money when you move or through other promotions. Eventually use your savings for a down payment.

Tovala serves healthy meals to busy people who care about nutrition but don’t have time to cook.

![Backseat Rider: Risk [Ep #1]](https://ph-files.imgix.net/a2bcad2e-5fc6-4ba8-8fba-c787d017e9bc.jpeg?auto=compress&codec=mozjpeg&cs=strip&auto=format&w=48&h=48&fit=crop&frame=1)