Sagar Chakravarthy

Sagar Chakravarthy

🕸 Software Engineer 🛠 Products
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Sagar Chakravarthy
Engage and respond to your audience: With easy access to messages through popup, engage your audience without switching between tabs Be prepared and on-time: Automatically opens meeting URL and its attachments a few mins in advance for you to review the agenda
Meaty Meets
Meaty Meets
Be an engaging presenter, a punctual attendee
Sagar Chakravarthy
Get shortlisted for your dream job with a resume that helps you stand out.
With Resumey.Pro, highlight your skills, ensure proper visual hierarchy and always maintain consistency. Our Markdown editor helps you focus on writing, while we take care of the rest
Resumey.Pro 2.0
Create a resume that helps you stand out
Sagar Chakravarthy
Designing a resume can be a hassle if you are forced to stick to a template at the beginning. With Resumey.Pro, you can write your content first in Markdown and then switch between beautiful designs like Instagram filters.
Save time and effort on designing your resume using Markdown