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I wish I had this when I launched (Electron). I'll definitely give it a try if I launch another thing, hopefully it works better than Gumroad.
One thing I don't understand is under Pricing > Licensing, what exactly does "75 active licenses" mean?

Cloud-based billing, licensing & distribution for devs

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This is great! I wasn't aware of the color matrix filter before. Simple concept, great implementation.

SVG Color Matrix Mixer
Generate nice looking color matrix filters for your images

GitHub Diff is a simple free-form UI around GitHub's compare feature. Use it to compare diffs between branches, commits, and tags, without the clutter.

GitHub Diff
Compare changes across GitHub branches, commits, or tags

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Hey friends!
I made a free, open source tool that makes it easier for me to compare changes across GitHub branches, commits, and tags. It has a simple, clutter-free UI that doesn't do anything more than show the diffs in a simple fashion.
You can use it to compare:
- branches
- long or short commit hashes
- tags
Other features:
- toggle highlighting
- collapse/expand all or individual...

GitHub Diff
Compare changes across GitHub branches, commits, or tags

SVGX is a FREE offline desktop SVG icon/asset manager and browser for Mac and Windows. Use it to quickly locate the perfect icon for your design, copy and edit the SVG code, generate repeating background CSS, and more.

Desktop SVG asset manager for designers and developers

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Hey friends!
As web development has shifted to SVG assets, I developed a personal (but tedious) workflow for embedding SVG graphics (mostly icons) in my code. Fed up with the tedious part, I set out to streamline the process, and make my life easier. SVGX is the result, and I am offering it free, for everyone to enjoy.
The problem (pre-SVGX)
1. Load the webpage of my favorite SVG icon...

Desktop SVG asset manager for designers and developers

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This is really cool! I'm building a sort of competing app for SVGs but with different functionality and based on my own needs. I'm glad there's interest (and a market) for this sort of thing.

Norde Source 1.0
Customize icon sets to fit your brand in seconds

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Cool app and cool site! Noticed it's built with TailwindCSS 👍
Better entity relationship diagrams for your database

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Oh yeah, I've been using this tool for a long while and it's excellent! I would've thought you'd launched here by now.
Fonts Ninja
Try fonts discovered on websites in any design software

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Seriously considering you guys as alternative to Twilio for one of my personal projects.
Telnyx SMS API
Build global text messaging right in your app

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Upvoted because PHP and I'm biased!

Leaf PHP MVC Framework
Create clean, simple but powerful web apps and APIs quickly.

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I've been consistently hitting the gym as well as other activities like cycling, skiing, hiking, etc for over 6 years. For my age I'm in great physical condition, better than most who are half my age.
I'm not bragging, just stating the facts. It was and remains hard work but I know that if I stop it'll be much harder to get started. I think the older we get, the more important it is to...
Do you have a daily or weekly fitness routine? How long have you been following this consistently?
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Hello Hunters and Subnautica fans!
I'm excited to launch this little tool that makes life easier in Subnautica.
As lovely and amazing as this game is, crafting can be a chore, especially in scenarios where you need to craft more advanced items, or multiple items, or an entire new base.
That's where Craftnautica comes in. It has a complete item and component repository and a shopping cart...

Subnautica crafting helper and inventory management tool

Craftnautica is a crafting helper and inventory management tool for the game Subnautica and its upcoming expansion Subnautica: Below Zero

Subnautica crafting helper and inventory management tool

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1) Started building Stripe into
2) Just got a new idea that has some merit and I'm thinking to build a quick proof of concept
3) None of the above if the weather is good and I can take my MTB to the trails
What are your working on this weekend?
Calum Webb
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I love it! Amazing aesthetic and dead simple to use.
Copy & paste glyphs with ease

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Basecamp, because I've been following them for a long time and I love everything they do. They are one of those rare companies that have a ton of self-awareness and a solid philosophy that aligns with my own.
If you could be a maker for any company, who is the company you'd choose and why?
Larry Mickie
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Solid! ❤️ Tailwind and ❤️ love the idea of the builder.
Shuffle for Tailwind CSS
Tailwind CSS editor for busy developers

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This is so much fun! Makes me want to sprinkle monsters all over my websites. Thanks for making it!
Mix and match your monsters and go wild with creativity

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Though it's not a tool I would use at this point I love your design and the thought you put into it. The illustrations stand out in particular (kudos to your designer), but the API docs are also very clean and straightforward. Great work!

Modern GPU-powered image processing API