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Hi everyone :)
The idea of building a collaborative tool for API development occurred to me when I was working as a web full-stack developer. I felt we need a tool that serving the frontend and backend to work more closely, so I started building Dapi.
Dapi supply tools like openAPI editor, model visualization, and sequence diagram for the backend team to design API. One-click to deploy an API...

Dapi 1.0
Design, preview and track API with the team

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Hi everyone :)
While more teams start using tools to manage organizations and daily works, we still need to find a better way for the developer team to solve issues like using difficult tools to present ideas, lack of communication between frontend and backend, missing the notification when an API is updated, etc.
And Dapi wants to solve all these issues just in one platform. For the first...

A workplace for building API together

react-nice-avatar can easily generate an avatar for your users with no efforts
Nice avatar
React component for generating avatars

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Hello :)
It has been a while for me to look for an avatar generator for my users that just signed up with an Email on the product.
Last weekend, luckily I found a new avatar template from the Figma community and I really like it at the first glance. So I downloaded the Figma files, writing code based on that. And now here it is, a react library for generating random but nice avatars,...
Nice avatar
React component for generating avatars

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Hi :)
I was looking for an avatar generator for my product's users that signed up with Email. I didn't find anything satisfied but luckily I found the assets made by Micah( from the Figma community.
Then I built this react component based on his assets so that more makers/developers can use it in their project very easily.
Avatar generator for react
Generate beautiful default avatar for your users

Generate beautiful avatar for your users, easily used with react
Avatar generator for react
Generate beautiful default avatar for your users

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Hello everyone.
Comet is an open-sourced, web-based editor for openAPI. I made it mainly because I didn't find a good alternative for the swagger editor but I still use openAPI a lot in my daily works. So... if you have the same issue, just give it a go and all suggestions are welcomed :)

openAPI editor for nerds

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I love it, looking forward more commands on the site :)particularly how to rebase and how to solve conflict
Pros: Easy to use and beautiful
Cons: Not too much commands so far

Git Explorer
Find git commands you need without digging through the web.

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Hi everyone :)
A couple of months ago, My friends asked me to help them build simple websites because they canβt DIY on the website builders I recommend to them, so I built Yet to help small business owners to create website in a few steps, I hope Yet can be helpful for those who have no idea about coding and designing.
Yet is still in the MVP stage, so just let me know if you have any...
A website builder for small business owners

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