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    Carol Williams
    Carol Williams
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    Just rolled out a new feature for my app, aiming to double down on user engagement this week.
    Sophiko Jeiranashvili
    Hello, Monday! Are there any new initiatives or goals you're planning to kick off this week?
    Sophiko Jeiranashvili
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    Carol Williams
    Carol Williams
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    @web3tim Do we need to have prior crypto or blockchain experience to use the app?
    Shopify NFT App
    Shopify NFT App
    Create and sell NFTs directly from your Shopify store
    Carol Williams
    Carol Williams
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    I leverage the power of Python's GPT-3 SDK, coding in the flexibility to alter temperature and max tokens for nuanced prompt development!
    Johannes Grenzemann
    What tools do you use to develop your slightly more complex chatGPT prompts?
    Johannes Grenzemann
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    Carol Williams
    Carol Williams
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    The depleting balance in our bank account.
    Frank Sondors
    What's the #1 thing that keeps you awake at night when building your startup? 😴
    Frank Sondors
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    Carol Williams
    Carol Williams
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    Created personalized emails, utilized smart segmentation, and achieved outstanding ROI.
    Zekiye Nur Kesici
    Which of your marketing projects has proven to be the most profitable?
    Zekiye Nur Kesici
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    Carol Williams
    Carol Williams
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    Any top tips on turning a potentially negative public interaction into a positive one when moving it to DMs?
    Business Marketing with Nika
    5 easy tips for improving your social media customer service
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    Carol Williams
    Carol Williams
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    Our product integrates perfectly with the industry's inventive moves using cutting-edge AI and tech trends.
    How does your product align with current industry trends or emerging technologies?
    Carol Williams
    Carol Williams
    left a comment
    Yes, a 15-minute workout routine can indeed boost productivity and provide relief for neck strain.
    Ken Lian
    Do you think a 15-minute workout routine boost productivity and relieve neck strain?