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Chad Catacchio
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have tried to add a filter 3 times now (Moto G, Android 6) and all I get is the "Creating artwork" pyramid... servers getting slammed or bug?

Prisma for Android
AI that turns your photos into artwork, now on Android

Chad Catacchio
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will likely upvote when it's on Android ;-)

AI that turns your photos into artwork in seconds

Chad Catacchio
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Read it last week. It details how Washington, Madison, Jay and Hamilton basically worked in concert to get the Articles of Confederation dumped and replaced by the Constitution. Good read from a certain angle, but not a general history of how the Constitution was decided if that's what you're looking for.

The Quartet: Orchestrating the Second American Revolution, 1783-1789
Concise history of how the US Constitution came into being.

The Quartet: Orchestrating the Second American Revolution, 1783-1789
Concise history of how the US Constitution came into being.

Chad Catacchio
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Read it a few weeks ago. Basically argues that while colonizing out Solar System makes some sense (although he argues that Mars is basically super-toxic and that it'll take tens of thousands of years to terraform if such a technology ever in fact exists) that deep space colonization is so dangerous and complicated and distant and isolated that we should never attempt it. Also really well...

Dystopian space epic by Kim Stanley Robinson

Dystopian space epic by Kim Stanley Robinson

Chad Catacchio
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really want one of these someday...

A drone with a camera that follows you. Throw it in the air.

Chad Catacchio
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haven't read it, but Sam certainly knows his stuff (will put it on the "read it someday" list)
Startup Playbook
Written by Sam Altman & Illustrated by Gregory Koberger

Chad Catacchio
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haven't read it, but we need more books focused on this issue

Ella The Engineer
A comic book encouraging girls to pursue engineering

Chad Catacchio
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putting on my "reading list I probably won't have time to get to but wish I could" ;-)

How startups can achieve consumer growth

Chad Catacchio
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great folks there at ThinkApps (that I owe a free blog post too, haven't forgot!) - haven't read the book but looks like they put a lot of research into it (was offered a complimentary copy which was thoughtful but it's for sale so I should buy it if I decide to get around to reading it :-))

How to Start a Startup: The Book
Ultimate insider playbook based on the Y Combinator course