Charles Calzia

Charles Calzia

Imperial CS student building a startup
7 points
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Charles Calzia
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Charles Calzia
Charles Calzia
left a comment
Epic, congrats on the launch!
Omi (formerly Friend)
Omi (formerly Friend)
An open source AI necklace
Charles Calzia
Charles Calzia
left a comment
Wow, this looks incredible, congrats on the launch!
Photosonic AI
Photosonic AI
Turn your words into stunning digital images with AI - Free
Charles Calzia
Charles Calzia
left a comment
Looks awesome, huge congrats on the launch!
GTD Dashboard 2.0
GTD Dashboard 2.0
Capture & organize your to-dos in Notion
Charles Calzia
Charles Calzia
left a comment
Awesome product with an amazing community of people!
Chat with other devs over SSH in your Terminal