Chen Friedman

Chen Friedman

Social entrepreneur & productivity freak
41 points


I love life, people & work. So far I've worn various hats in my professional life. Such as a door-to-door salesperson and then went on to buy & run the company. A programmer, that eventually founded the biggest community in the niche I was in. And an online marketer, who served in several CMO positions. In a marketing agency & in 2 international luxury brands. For the last 3+ years, I've been working on my little baby, "Sonmit", a social startup that aims to accelerate the global transition to social enterprises. We are working on very revolutionary & super exciting products. Which are and will improve the lives of many people around the world, starting with cancer patients & their families.


Tastemaker 5
Tastemaker 5
Gone streaking 10
Gone streaking 10
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