Chris Melamed

Chris Melamed

Product Designer
138 points
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Chris Melamed
Underlord is a powerful AI editing assistant that helps you make human content at inhuman speed. Built right into every step of your workflow, Underlord harnesses the apocalyptic power of AI to strip away drudgery — leaving you in full creative control.
Underlord by Descript
Underlord by Descript
AI powered video editing assistant that understands creators
Chris Melamed
With Descript, making video is as easy as using docs and making slides. A year in the making, today's release is a complete redesign with over 30 new features, including green screen, premium stock media, templates, and more.
The New Descript
The New Descript
The future of video editing, full redesign + 30 new features
Chris Melamed
Collab is an experimental iOS app, available in the US, that brings together creators and fans to create, watch, and mix and match original videos, starting with music. We are now out of beta and available in the US App Store.
Made by NPE Team at Facebook
Collab 1.0
Collab 1.0
Create, watch, and mix and match original music videos
Chris Melamed
Collab let’s you watch, record, and remix 3-part music videos
Make music together, while we're apart. Made by Facebook. 🎵