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christopher James
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We designed this test around a baseline of 3500 initial test takers and took the time to do it right. Our homepage has an explainer video created by Jordan Peterson talking about how an IQ test is supposed to be designed.

Real IQ Test
Real IQ test uses a methodology coined by Jordan Peterson

The Real IQ Test is scientifically accurate and ranked against a large baseline of real people.

Real IQ Test
Real IQ test uses a methodology coined by Jordan Peterson

christopher James
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The Yurt Market is a great place to buy new and used yurts. If you're a digital nomad and you want to live affordably, come check us out. We are about to release a line of affordable, light-weight, and highly durable yurts which can be shipped via USPS/Fedex. I'll post links here shortly!

Yurt Market
Buy New and Used Yurts

The premier marketplace for buying new and used yurts.

Yurt Market
Buy New and Used Yurts

christopher James
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I hope you guys like this one.

Who's Faithful
The loyalty verification service is a loyalty verification service designed to help you figure out whether or not your partner is willing to cheat with a stranger they met on the internet.

Who's Faithful
The loyalty verification service

christopher James
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Some cut throats who own a veterinary management software company were going to pay me to write this software, but instead they took an early version of it for free and decided to develop their new product in house using my code. I decided to keep going with it and to launch a freemium version at 14% of the cost.

Vetsoft Cloud free vet software.
Free Veterinary Clinic Management Software Suite

Vetsoft Cloud is a free, full features veterinary management clinic software suite.

Vetsoft Cloud free vet software.
Free Veterinary Clinic Management Software Suite

This website can find anyone's tantan dating app profile. Tantan has 240 million users compared to Tinder's 50 million.

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christopher James
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reports will be discounted for the next week or so

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Find anyone on TInder

Easily find anyone's tinder profile with this amazing tinder profile search tool. It's the most affordable and accurate tool to date.

Tinder Profile Search
Find anyone on TInder

christopher James
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These are just some cool articles!

Articles about cool scientific
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We write articles covering outlier science such as gene therapies, HIV treatments, and relationship advice.

Articles about cool scientific
learn whats new!!!

christopher James
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buzzhumble is a great site
Pros: It works pretty well
Cons: there are no alternatives

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