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Clement Ziane
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During the last two year we developed ZeRecommender a recommendation engine for e-commerce powered by AI. ZeRecommender
At the moment it's available on Shopify
The idea behind the project is to use the last paper in AI to analyze product content and user interaction with your store to provide the most accurate recommendation and keep the private data of your customers totally...
Share your product here to get support, feedback, users (w/c 25th of May)
Aaron O'Leary
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ZeRecommender is an AI-powered recommendation engine for e-commerce.
Features: Smart Engine, Easy integration, Pay only for what you earn.
Special offer early adopters: A full free month, A lifetime reduced commission.

AI powered recommendations engine for online stores.

Clement Ziane
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@harendrasingh Technology is just a support to goal achievement when I have choose a technology I answer to these 3 questions :
- Do This technology provide features fitting with my project allowing my team to develop faster ?
- Is the technology enough stable to be kept on middle / long term ?
- How much time it will take to peoples working on the project to be comfortable with this...
How to start a startup?
Harendrasingh Rajput - Harry
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