Hi, I'm Young, the founder of Cloudkoonly. 👉 Stop Overpaying for Tools You Barely Use ❤️ Integrate these 12+ must-have SaaS tools into your online project We offer you 3 options: ① Use our cloud: $9/month cloud solution ② Build for you: $49 One-Time Setup Service ③ Build it yourself: 100% free self-hosting 🪄 Ready-to-use online tools : 1. Blog 2. Helpdesk (document & ticket support) 3. Forum community 4. Roadmap/feedback/changelog 5. Landing page 6. Website monitor & status 7. User analyze 8. Image hosting 9. Live chat 10. Email marketing & Subscription 11. Policy generator 12. Project management More tools will be updated continuously... Contact: support@cloudkoonly.com Website: www.cloudkoonly.com Demo: landing.cloudkoonly.com
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Joined Product HuntDecember 3rd, 2023