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Cody Simms
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I was in the very first cohort of back in the spring/summer of 2020 and have seen the team drive so much impact in terms of helping people transition into productive climate-focused work. We invested into the company's seed round via our venture fund at MCJ Collective. was foundational to my own climate journey and helped me meet so many people who have supported me along the...
Everything you need to work in climate ✅

Cody Simms
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I recently graduated from the first cohort and had a wonderful experience. The program helped me establish a good baseline of understanding about climate change through a modern, multimedia approach to learning. The learning community that is emerging around Terra is wonderfully supportive, and the Terra instructors were very hands-on and supportive, taking care to tailor each...
12-week bootcamp to help you transition into climate work selects talented individuals who care about climate, takes them through an intensive online bootcamp taught by top experts and then exposes them to climate work opportunities (part-time/full/entrepreneurial) that need their skills.
12-week bootcamp to help you transition into climate work

Cody Simms
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Built by two of the best people in tech in LA. Class A humans.
Imgur for video

Cody Simms
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I'm a Pana user and have been for the last 6 months. We are investors via Techstars. I absolutely love the service and am so stoked to have this addition to the feature set. I've also been a Tripit user for 7-8 years and am eager to move all of my travel info under the Pana roof!

Pana Free
Automagically organize and share all of your travel plans

Cody Simms
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Love what these guys are doing. Great team and cool product.

Clyp 2.0
The easiest way to upload, record & share audio

Cody Simms
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My favorite Surf board so far, by @shahruz: "Jon Favreau is Guy Fieri"

Curate your favorite media from any source

Curate your favorite media from any source

Coda Game
Now kids can create games while exploring computer science

Cody Simms
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Hi Neil, how much of your research do you do before you sit down to write, and how much of it do you do as you are writing and discover you need new evidence or information to help try to validate a point?

The Truth
An uncomfortable book about relationships by Neil Strauss

Cody Simms
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Really great team behind this.

Stefan's Head
Limited run fashion deals. Text Stefan at 646-759-0904.

Cody Simms
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Congratulations @lorikozlowski! So stoked to see this in the wild. Very happy for you and the team at Atom Factory.

New publication that focuses on tech, culture & hustle

Cody Simms
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CodeQuest creator @sannaoutloud, CEO at Codarica, let me know that the latest version went live in the App Store today.

Mini-games that intro kids to HTML and web development

Mini-games that intro kids to HTML and web development

Cody Simms
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This has been a homescreen app for me since Brenden brought me into the beta. Super simple and just helps makes things more efficient.

A tiny app that lets you send email distraction free.

Cody Simms
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Ordered my first UberFresh lunch today. Delicious chicken, rice, and pita was here in about 3 minutes. Pretty impressive.

Uber Fresh
Hungry to happy in under 10 minutes

Cody Simms
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I saw a very similar pitch at a startup weekend here in LA a year or so ago. Fun idea. Cool to see it live.

MovieSpot NYC
New York movie tour/scavenger hunt on your phone

Cody Simms
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Fantastic! Just noticed that you have Los Angeles now. Super cool. Will certainly use this. Thank you!

Best coffee shops and cafés for working

Cody Simms
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My friend just took a role at Vow to Be Chic and as I was checking it out I thought it seemed like a cool model and a useful product for the PH ladies so thought I'd share.

Vow to be Chic
Rent bridesmaid dresses online, try on at home