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Colin Gillingham
Paste a job URL, and the Agent creates a custom interview, gives feedback on your answers, and—optionally—shares a recording and transcript with hiring teams. Prepare smarter, apply better, and get noticed.
AI interviews you, gives feedback, and emails the recruiter
Colin Gillingham
Say GOODBYE 👋 to one-size-fits-all generic daily newsletters! Let AI do what it does best and sift through the daily noise to summarize the most important news and events of the day.
tinynews, the AI News Company
tinynews, the AI News Company
Your bespoke AI newsletter
Colin Gillingham

Let's say you are based in San Francisco and want to setup a phone call with your colleagues in Europe at 12:30. It can take time looking up time zones for each person.

Now you simply send this link instead:

When your colleagues follow this link they are taken to a page which shows them the time local to them.
Magic URL that makes any Time Universal
Colin Gillingham
Browser Based Interactive Video Studio