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Become a freelancer 🚀 50+ playbooks on freelancing with custom examples, interactive videos and templates. Sharpen your skills and land better clients with highly actionable freelancing resources!

Freelancing Dashboard
Learn freelancing with personalized real-life examples

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Hey Product Hunt!
🚩The problem 🚩
Learning how to build a freelance business can be a challenge.
🤔 Somebody who is brand new to building a freelance business (a writer, for example) will have vastly different mindset and problems compared to...
🤔 Somebody who is already a freelancer (a developer), but wants to grow their business!
🚩 The solution 🚩
Custom learning journeys! Meet the Crust...

Freelancing Dashboard
Learn freelancing with personalized real-life examples

A database of 280 companies that are confirmed to have hired freelancers in the past 6 months. The goal is to help beginner freelancers find new leads & figuring out project pricing!

Companies that Hire Freelancers
Interactive database with project pricing estimates

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Hey ProductHunt, Peter here, founder of 👋
Beginner freelancers usually face two major problems: 1️⃣, finding new leads and 2️⃣, figuring out project pricing—so I have built a simple tool that helps with both!
It is essentially a database of 280 companies that are **confirmed** to have hired freelancers in the past 6 months, and it includes three things.
🌍 First, the location,...

Companies that Hire Freelancers
Interactive database with project pricing estimates

Are you ready to start freelancing?—Here's a tool that will help answering that! Download the MIRO board, complete the forms, and learn whether you have a marketable service, the resources, and the soft skills necessary for a successful freelance business!

Are you ready to freelance?
Self-Assessment scoreboard by 🍕

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Hello PH 👋
I'm Peter, a freelancer and founder of🍕
I've just build a tool for freelancers, or rather, people wanting to turn freelance, hopefully making their decision on this big career change easier! Let's dive in!
🤔 The problem
I have been helping people become freelancers for years now, but they don't always know if they are ready to start this big career jump. And...

Are you ready to freelance?
Self-Assessment scoreboard by 🍕

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Ha! Mail merge for messaging apps, good stuff. 😎 Will definitely give it a go.
Mass personalized messaging in popular messengers

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As someone knee deep in a website revamp, this is gold. On top of that, the book is aesthetically pleasing, which always makes my initial impression much more favourable haha. But yea, I'll be sending this to a few friends!
Good job! 👍

Web Interface handbook
200+ tips and tricks for creating a good web interface.

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Yes, yes and yes! An accountability buddy could have saved me so many times before... great idea! 🙌
Accountability on-demand for remote workers

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Congrats, great idea & really cool design! Will definitely give it a go
No-code client workflows for repetitive client-facing tasks