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Crawford Ifland
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Hi everyone! First time hunting a product...I'm excited to announce Scribe Notes!
Whether you're jotting down thoughts, brainstorming new ideas, or reflecting on your day, Scribe Notes is the best way to turn rambling, stream-of-consciousness brain dumps into beautiful, organized, formatted notes that are easy to share and take action on. It's like having a personal assistant to organize your...

Scribe Notes
AI Voice Memos App for iOS

Say whatever’s on your mind. Scribe Notes takes your voice and turns it into beautiful organized notes. Download for iOS today!

Scribe Notes
AI Voice Memos App for iOS

3things helps you prioritize your most important work and get it done. Choose your 3 most important tasks. You can only pick 3, so choose wisely. Your to-do list disappears at midnight. Build your streak over time and watch your productivity skyrocket.

A to-do list to help you prioritize what's most important

Crawford Ifland
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Like many of you, I've tried nearly every to-do list app out there. Some work better for me than others. Some helped me get *more* done, but I was struggling to get the *right* things done. At the end of the day, I would look back at my to-do list and wonder to myself, "did I actually get my most important work done today?" Too often, the answer was no.
I thought apps with more features would...

A to-do list to help you prioritize what's most important