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    Cristina Bunea
    CommandBar is now Command AI. - Nudge Platform — AI-assisted nudges, hints, and messages to guide users in a personalized ways that don’t annoy them. - AI Agent — an AI chat agent that can answer user questions, perform actions for them, and co-browse.
    Command AI
    Command AI
    AI for your users
    Cristina Bunea
    Cristina Bunea
    started a discussion

    Taylor Swift is a startup guru. Here's what makers can learn from her.

    hey makers 👋 i recently wrote something a little more... different (at least for a b2b saas blog lol). i think product/startup wisdom often comes from unexpected places. one that i've been thinking about a lot recently is... Taylor Swift 👱🏻‍♀️ there's so many similarities between her and how startups operate and i think there's a ton of things we can learn from how she does business. 🔗 check...
    Cristina Bunea
    Nobody reads the manual, but everyone complains when they can't find the answer. Rate My HelpDocs takes your help content, rates it, and makes suggestions to improve it.
    Rate and improve your help docs
    Cristina Bunea
    Cristina Bunea
    started a discussion

    What does your Arc look like?

    while I love arc from the browser company, i feel like i haven't taken enough advantage of all the customization, so i'm looking for inspiration. what does yours look like? do you have any resources i could check out? i feel like there's so many easter eggs i haven't discovered yet. at commandbar, we're pretty big supporters of the company. so much so that we wrote an (almost, lol) PhD thesis...
    Cristina Bunea
    Cristina Bunea
    started a discussion

    Sales-led B2B companies?

    Do you know (or run!) a B2B company that has no free tier + where you have to go through a demo to use the product? Writing a story about why some company stages/products might benefit from that, rather than PLG. Would love to hear from you. Leave a comment and I'll reach out!
    Cristina Bunea
    Cristina Bunea
    left a comment
    100% Veed!
    Brian Lawrence
    What are the best Video Editing products on Product Hunt?
    Brian Lawrence
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    Cristina Bunea
    Cristina Bunea
    started a discussion

    Understanding your users through surveys

    Everyone tells you to talk to your users and deeply understand them. From every product podcast to the PMF framework Superhuman built. Yet, the status quo for asking users questions in-product is so, so bad. I can't remember the last time I filled out a survey. I'm organizing a Masterclass on how to build effective ones by breaking down examples from products like Airbnb and Notion. Would love...
    Cristina Bunea
    ShipLog lets you build a beautiful changelog that is effortless to update, optimized for distribution (SEO & social), and that makes it easy to celebrate the makers behind the features.
    The changelog your users will actually read
    Cristina Bunea
    Cristina Bunea
    started a discussion

    How many product tours have you ACTUALLY finished?

    In my experience, not very many. A bunch of them are super intrusive and annoying. I have a friend (Finn), who has studied hundreds (if not thousands, no, I'm not joking lol) of product tours to figure out what makes a great one and what to stay away from when building one. Product tours are not inherently evil, they're just built by people who don't understand them 😬 He's hosting a...
    Cristina Bunea
    Cristina Bunea
    started a discussion

    Grading our YC application from S20 (raised $24M after)

    hey PH 👋 this week we did something fun at CommandBar that i thought other makers might find useful. we dug through the archives and resurrected the application that got us into YC a little over three years ago and did an ex-ante assessment of our application (“how good was the application given the information we had at the time")...
    Cristina Bunea
    Native versions of CommandBar’s non-annoying user assistance tools, for mobile web, iOS, and Android apps. Give users an AI copilot to answer their questions, nudge to leave a 5⭐️ review after a magic moment, and access helpful content without leaving the app.
    CommandBar for Mobile
    CommandBar for Mobile
    AI-powered user assistance for mobile apps